Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Philosophical View

Well sadly this is a sad post. Im sure this happens to everyone regardless of skin colour , poop colour , different ways of eating food but this philosophical view is not founded by anyone or from anywhere. Its just a damn statement allright dont take it seriously

Its known as ''Hi-Bye'' method. Sorta learn this from my boss so its really good to share I reckon. How many of you out there have many close friends? I meant as in really close ones not the ''Hi-Bye'' ones. What it means by ''Hi-Bye'' is that you just know someone for like 5seconds and you got his facebook and msn and stuff but you guys never hung out or such. So even if they're in your facebook/msn after some years u'll forget each other. Thats the so call ''Hi-Bye'' method.

It does sound depressing but try to think back out of all those 100primary school friends , how many are still hunging out and keeping in contact with you? I would say maybe about 5-10. Time drifts everyone away. Everyone have their own life and possibly work or kids in the future.

I meant I'm not trying to sound immature or anything but , thinking back , I think we should just try to enjoy every moment we can with our circle of friends now before they shrink in time. Even though some friends are split apart , just try to get sometime to have a meeting or outing and I'm sure those old feelings will come back. It is hard to change oneself I guess so there should be no problem. Seeing as how my life goes , I do indeed have some ''Hi-Bye'' friends who I considered my closest friends possible. Nevertheless its life.

Gotta love this quote (gotten from Sam) : '' If it is good , it is wonderful. If it is bad , it is experience.''

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