Friday, July 31, 2009

Blood isn't thicker than stainless steel

This isn't actually an embarrassing moment, not the worst either. But a bad moment the same.
Once I was in the kitchen and so was my mum, I don't remember what happened but the AMC rice pot fell onto my pinky toe.

And what did my mum did?
She yelled, "MY RICE POT!!!".


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Luckiest Day Or?

This has gotta be my luckiest day I guess , So far. Anyways getting back to the point , I finally decided to leave my room once in awhile to study in the library today as were off from school for 2 days. Unfortunately , I left my phone in the bus.

Yes you heard me the frigging bus took my phone. I was in a panic moment like someone whose having explosive diarrhea. I was calling my phone non-stop. Luckily , a gal pick up (my phone obviously) and said she found my phone and would like to meet me at the bus HQ so she could pass me back the phone.

And yes she did come. She was a cute gal and guess what? I got lectured ~_~ by both her and the person working at the bus HQ. Thank God she gave me back my phone. If its Malaysia....I don't think I ever got the hope of founding my phone in one piece again. More like in little tiny pieces or in the 2nd hand phone shops.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Compilation #1

Well this post is just for a mix stuff of what has happen this week. As usual the worst moments of my life. Anyways one more thing I want to state is that this blog (its post) is made up by various individuals therefore its adviced to read the bottom of each post to see whose the poster.

Here Goes :
1. Banged my head three times in the bus while I was asleep. I think it was loud enough to have some passengers staring at me for having such a hard head.
2. Lost one of my ear bud piece. You know what it feels like hearing people talking in the bus with one ear while the other is the music.
3. Phone hanged continuously for 8times in a row under 10minutes. Fuck made in China products.
4. Wasted too much cash due to my recklessness spending.
5. The cat in my house almost killed me due to its sharp claws on my neck. I can feel it going in my skin and luckily it didn't punctured through my neck.
6. My Windows Got Virus.
7. Saw some guy using the same colour+stripes sweater/hoodie as me. That feel so damn gay.
8. Forgot to saved the music I composed and now its lost.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Mom ? No mom ?

When I was still small , In primary school I would say .

Me & My mum went to the nearby supermarket to buy grocery and stuff like that . So , both of us went into the Supermarket . When we're about to done getting our groceries , mum realise she did not bring any money with her . Since our house was oh-so-near , Mum asked me to go back home and bring some money back . So .. I went home and took some money then start to walk back to the supermarket again . While I was walking back to the supermarket , I saw my mum walking back towards me holding an icecream . I shouted ' Eee maah , I want Ice Cream too ' and start to shout more . As I look at her more closely , I realise she's not even my Mum and She's looking at me confused holding her icecream . Im embarassed much ! though Im still a small kid okay .

So , I walk away .. and pretend Im not talking to her .

Never Run When The Ground's Wet

It was my worst day ever today. I was waiting for the bus with 2 of my friends to grab some lunch at town. Being smart asses we are , we went to the next bus stop to wait for the bus so we don't need to struggle with everyone trying to get in the bus later. The bus came and we lifted our hands to signal to the bus driver , but to our dismay he just drive pass through us.

I think the driver was a racist fat fuck. He was a chubby driver whose wearing specs (kinda reminds me of me?) He just drive past through us how could he not see us?!?!? Me and my friends made a joke about it cause we have ''mata sepet'' as being Asian as we are we have tiny eyes. That means a nono on the bus for us.

We ran back all the way to the college stop and suddenly I step on a muddy area and slip with a superman flying pose. Sorta like this.

Guess what happen? I scratch my phone as I was holding it on my hand. I scratch my hand and my legs. My jeans was muddy as well as my hoodie/sweater. I was whining like a little crying pussy in the bus cause my damn baby(phone) was scratch. Why did I get my phone out you asked? I was gonna bluetooth some songs. My jeans was not scratched but my legs were. After grabbing some lunch and getting some shopping done , I was in the bus heading home and this girl sat on my frigging legs as in the sides of my legs and boy did that hurt for like 2seconds. Sorta like getting pinch.

Although it was hell bad(my day) it was still fun cause it was something worth laughing about. Like the saying ''All's Well , End's Well''

Sunday, July 5, 2009

New Philosophical View

Well sadly this is a sad post. Im sure this happens to everyone regardless of skin colour , poop colour , different ways of eating food but this philosophical view is not founded by anyone or from anywhere. Its just a damn statement allright dont take it seriously

Its known as ''Hi-Bye'' method. Sorta learn this from my boss so its really good to share I reckon. How many of you out there have many close friends? I meant as in really close ones not the ''Hi-Bye'' ones. What it means by ''Hi-Bye'' is that you just know someone for like 5seconds and you got his facebook and msn and stuff but you guys never hung out or such. So even if they're in your facebook/msn after some years u'll forget each other. Thats the so call ''Hi-Bye'' method.

It does sound depressing but try to think back out of all those 100primary school friends , how many are still hunging out and keeping in contact with you? I would say maybe about 5-10. Time drifts everyone away. Everyone have their own life and possibly work or kids in the future.

I meant I'm not trying to sound immature or anything but , thinking back , I think we should just try to enjoy every moment we can with our circle of friends now before they shrink in time. Even though some friends are split apart , just try to get sometime to have a meeting or outing and I'm sure those old feelings will come back. It is hard to change oneself I guess so there should be no problem. Seeing as how my life goes , I do indeed have some ''Hi-Bye'' friends who I considered my closest friends possible. Nevertheless its life.

Gotta love this quote (gotten from Sam) : '' If it is good , it is wonderful. If it is bad , it is experience.''