Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I could just die in embarrassment

I haven't felt so embarrassed in such a long time.. Until last night, that is.

I was at Chem tuition. The Chem tuition was a really huge class, btw. There were lots of students from various schools in the tuition class.

Eunice and I went to the toilet during the five minutes break and normally, the toilet lights would be already switched on but they weren't last night. So, I instinctly switched on every switch there were.

I went first so when I was done, I had to wait outside while Eunice took her turn. While I was waiting, I suddenly had the thought of like, 'scaring' her. Unaware, I also switched off all the switches and only left the toilet lights on. There were stickers labelling the switches, fyi.

However, what I didn't know was that one of the switches was sort of connected to one of the lights in our class. The tuition teacher abruptly came out and very loudly pinpointed at me. Flustered, I quickly went back into the class.

The class immediately fell silent the moment I stepped into class and it seriously felt like all eyes were on me. I swiftly took my seat and sunk deep down into my chair. The teacher was saying something but I don't know, I was too 'engrossed' in my embarrassment that I didn't really heard what the tuition teacher was saying.

When it finally hit me that she was asking me to switch the light back on (because she didn't know which switch was connected to the light in the class either), I was UTTERLY EMBARRASSED. I had to very relunctantly get up and went for the switches again...while every single person in the class watched me.

I seriously wished that I could dig a hole and hide my head in there for the rest of my life.


nicole said...

HAHAHAAHAHAH! Luckily i din follow u guys go outside :p HAHAHAAHAHAHA

Hugs and Kisses Baby said...

HAHAHA NO LAR! Nobody's staring you. LOL. Who ask you go kacau Eunice.

EeXin U. said...

VERY FUNNY MER. >:c Hmph t both of you.

Ronikenz said...

LOLOLOLOLOL!! this should be posted on FML! :DD

EeXin U. said...

D: Nuh.